Does a weight loss belt help

Being overweight is a scourge of the 21st century. It is found in men and women, in children and the elderly. The moment a person realizes that he is overweight, he starts looking for ways to lose weight.

Some go on a diet and get rid of them, others starve and exhaust the body with training, others turn to specialists and lose under the supervision of a doctor. There is a fourth group of people - they believe in the effectiveness of diet pills, bracelets, earrings and belts. Vendors and manufacturers of these products promise weight loss without effort or restrictions.

We will consider the effectiveness and structure of weight loss belts - is it worth spending money, how is the mechanism of work and can it help in the weight loss process, remove the belly?

Is a weight loss belt effective?

There are people who believe that the miracle belt will dissolve their fat deposits or squeeze the fat out of the cells and remove it along with the sweat. This speaks of ignorance and skipping school classes in chemistry and anatomy.

weight loss belts

Attention! It doesn't matter if you use heat or massage - the fat cannot be melted, much less evaporated with sweat. Fat burns as a result of oxidation - there is no other way.

To open our eyes to the absurdity of such promises, consider the process of burning fat:

  • Fat deposits are burned in the mitochondria of muscle cells - a kind of small cellular energy cells. Fat enters the mitochondria in the absence of another source of energy - when you have not eaten carbohydrates for a long time, and the supply of energy in the liver - glycogen is depleted. To get it, the body is forced to process strategic fat deposits.
    As a result of oxidation, fat in the mitochondria is converted into energy for the muscles. But oxidation occurs only in the presence of oxygen, like a burning flame. Therefore, when losing weight, it is important to move a lot - the muscles will need energy, and to breathe fresh air - there will be oxidation and fat burning.

Reference! Fat cells are not burned in the muscles - after adolescence, their number remains with a person for life. Fatty acids are released from these cells and sent to the mitochondria of the muscles, where they are burned.

Obviously, just using such a belt will not burn fat. But still, let's consider what the manufacturers are and what they promise. At least to compare the real process of burning fat with the promises of monitors.

thermal weight loss belt

A few words about the types and principles of work

Weight loss belts are divided into 3 types - vibrating, with the effect of sauna and neoprene. There are also myostimulators, they have built-in sensors. Electrodetectors transmit micro-discharge current to the muscles, which stimulates their contraction. Myostimulators are more used for pumping muscles, they relate to our topic only indirectly, so we will not dwell here.

massage belt for weight loss

Vibrating. The efficiency of the belt is explained by the effect of vibration massage on fat cells. Supposedly, this stimulation causes the cells to release fat and remove it in the sweat.

From the point of view of science, this is not true, but from the point of view of medicine there is a danger:

  • Active vibration leads to muscle contractions, even the deepest ones. Due to that, there is an increased filling of small muscles with blood, and that is already edema. Artificial edema is dangerous for a diseased spine. It can cause chronic diseases. And if you haven't known about them before, they can be quite harsh and critical.

Based on the lipolysis process, it is clear that weight loss cannot occur.

Reference! Lipolysis is the breakdown of fats into fatty acids that are oxidized in the muscles.

Sauna effect. The belt has heating elements. Runs on batteries or electricity. The manufacturer promises to speed up fat burning by increasing body temperature. But in fact, apart from removing the liquid, he will not be able to do anything.

vibro slimming belt

Often such models are equipped with a vibrating mechanism and promise a double effect. In this case, an increase in temperature is added to the risk of vibration. And that threatens spinal diseases.

Neoprene. The neoprene belt promises to heat the fat and thus help burn it. Some people sincerely believe that fat can melt when exposed to heat.

Bitan! A belt with a heating effect can only remove excess fluid due to sweating. This fluid will recover within 24 hours after the procedure, as it happens after going to the bathroom or sauna.

In which cases such a belt is a real assistant

A neoprene weight loss belt can really help with lumbar spine disease. It fits snugly against the body and thus fixes the fixed position of the lower back. It can be used to warm the lower back as needed.

neoprene slimming belt

As much as you want to believe in a miracle - vibrating and heating belts do not bring any benefit to health and figure.

Bitan! It is widely believed that a tight belt will help to tone the abdominal muscles. In fact, wearing it regularly can make the situation worse. The muscular corset will no longer perform the function of supporting the internal organs, because the belt has taken over.

When this belt is useless

Bitan! If you are over 12 pounds (12 pounds) of excess weight, become thinner under the supervision of a registered dietitian. With independent weight loss, thousands of men and women are dying around the world.

It is useless to put on any belt and think that the fat will burn on its own. They have not yet invented such a device or tablet. And if you wear such a device, do sports, eat properly and lose weight, then you can continue to lose weight without seat belts - you will succeed anyway.